Let's Explore France!
Official Name: The French Republic
Fun Facts About France:
France is much more than French berets, French poodles, and French fries (called “pomme frites” in French). France has also given us hot air balloons, ballet, delicious cheeses, incredible works of art, and beautiful accordion music called “accordeon bal musette”. The capital city of Paris is well known for its many beautiful structures, such as the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, and Notre Dame Cathedral.
In this unit we will:
Explore our senses with a cheese tasting
Bake a famous French bread
Create a Monet-inspired Impressionist painting
Put together a stained-glass window
Discover French accordion music
Play a French playground game
And more!!

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A Note to Parents:
My goal is to empower you to use classroom techniques at home. I’ve created these materials with the intention of creating opportunities for you maximize the educational and developmental benefit to your children - without you having to carry the weight of developing varied and developmentally appropriate activities. Many of my resources will include sections entitled “Talk about it” and “Take it further”. These are meant to be a guide for you emulate what a trained educator might do with that particular activity. I will also be sure to explain exactly what skills your children are acquiring through “play.”
Finally, I want to hear from YOU. Please let me know how your Little Explorers are enjoying the materials, ask any questions you may have, and tell me what you would like to see in the future. Happy exploring!