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Mexico For Kids: YouTube Videos

YouTube is full of great preschool educational resources, including Mexico for kids videos! If you read my previous post on the educational benefits of flashmobs, you already know that I'm a fan of looking for great content on YouTube to enrich our cultural studies! I've compiled a short list of my favorite videos for exploring Mexico below! If you enjoy the videos listed below, please make sure to subscribe to their channels!

The Best Mexico YouTube Videos For Kids, Preschool Mexico

Mexico for Kids (FREE Lesson Plans)

This is a quick overview of the free Mexico Unit on!

Mexican Food | American Kids Try Food from Around the World - Ep 16 | Kids Try | Cut


I love how these kids react to trying Mexican food!

Tortillas: Stoneground, Handmade in Mexico

Watch fresh tortillas being made in Mexico!

Spanish for Kids - Chocolate Song from Babelzone!

LCFClubsTV This is a traditional counting song in Spanish!

Arco Iris - Bilingual Song for kids - Colors

Color song for kids in Spanish and English

Mexican Folk Dance

EDENZ Colleges This is a video of beautiful traditional dance from Mexico!

Mexican Folk Dance

New Yoko More traditional dancing!

Monarch Butterfly | AMAZING ANIMALS

Take a look at the AMAZING migration of the monarchs!

Mexico - Pyramid | Are We There Yet?

National Geographic Kids Kids explore a Mexican step pyramid!

Do you know of any other videos that would be a great addition to this list? Let me know in the comments!

Happy exploring!

*** Download your FREE Mexico Unit from the Resource Library! ***

4,251 views6 comments


Jasmine Hewitt
Jasmine Hewitt
Apr 25, 2018

We only choose carefully selected videos for our son to enjoy on youtube-it's a scary place!


Sevilla Na
Sevilla Na
Apr 24, 2018

How cool! Saves me the time having to dig through all the other videos that might be exactly what I'm after. Thanks! :)


Apr 24, 2018

This is a helpful list. I was so horrified a few days ago after seeing videos of DORA talking about stripping, drugs and drinking. This is also a fair warning to all parents to ensure that their kids get to watch age appropriate content. Thank you for sharing.


Apr 23, 2018

Kids can say the silliest things when trying new foods.


Bridgid-Ryan Fayson
Bridgid-Ryan Fayson
Apr 23, 2018

This is great! My son has become so interested in Mexico now that he's a little older and learned that his cousins are half-Mexican. I will definitely be using this list with him.

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